Best Time for Breast Lift

When is the Best Time for Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery improves the position of the breasts. The breast mound is lifted and contoured during the procedure, and excess skin is removed, restoring a firm and perky look to the chest. Pregnancy and weight fluctuations are common causes of breast sagging. Therefore, the best time to undergo breast lift surgery is when you do not plan on having more children and have been at a stable weight for at least six months.

Of course, the simple aging process and unavoidable force of gravity can also cause breasts to sag, regardless of weight or motherhood. If you desire firmer and more lifted breasts, the best way to determine when the procedure might benefit you most is through a private consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jayesh Panchal.

Does a Breast Lift Address Volume Loss?

Those things that cause breasts to sag, like pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and the march of time, can also cause volume loss. If you have lost volume in your breasts along with lift, it is often best to add implants to your procedure. Breast augmentation, in combination with lift, is an incredibly popular choice and one that can restore symmetry, improve cleavage, and create ideal contours between the breasts and surrounding features.

Breast lift itself may slightly reduce the size of the breasts. However, this is not due to a loss of volume but rather to the removal of sagging skin. While breast lift surgery does not reduce the actual size of the breasts, it can reduce bra cup size, an essential consideration for some women.

It should be noted that cup size is inconsistent between brands, and a slight reduction may not be an issue at all, particularly since, after a lift, the breasts will no longer need as much support. However, if you are concerned about even a slight reduction in cup size, talking to Dr. Panchal about combination surgery is the best idea.

Are You Ready to Learn More?

If you are ready to schedule your breast lift consultation at Genesis Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, please call our Norman office at 405-310-6767or our Edmond office at 405-340-9949 today. We serve people living in Oklahoma City, all nearby areas, and throughout the state.

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