Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) Surgery in Norman & Edmond, OK

Plastic Surgeon & Medical Spa Serving Norman, Edmond, Oklahoma City & Nearby Central Oklahoma

Male breast surgery, or surgery for enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia), is a very common procedure among males with visibly large breasts. This procedure removes fat from unwanted areas.

There are many factors that can cause enlarged breasts in males, including:

  • Abnormalities in the testicles
  • Alteration in hormone levels
  • Application of steroids for weight training
  • Some drugs
  • Rarely, a tumor can grow within the male breast, resulting in a lump that can be felt. These tend to be on one side.
Male Breast Reduction Norman OK

Planning Your Surgery

If you are interested in male breast reduction surgery, please contact our office by calling 405-340-9949 to schedule a consultation. During your initial consultation, Dr. Panchal will examine your chest, discuss how the surgery will be performed, show you where the incisions will be made, and discuss the final outcome that can be expected.

There are two types of surgery that can be performed to reduce the size of on male breasts. The first, and most common, is liposuction. The second is surgical removal of the breast tissue. If you have a hard lump underneath the nipples, an incision and surgical removal of this hard tissue may be necessary. However, if there is no hard tissue and your breasts are enlarged due to soft tissue, liposuction is all you will need.

Surgery Locations

The procedure will be performed in an outpatient surgery center or in the office, depending on the size and amount of tissue that needs to be removed.


Small-volume male breast surgery can be performed under local anesthesia but moderate to large volumes of male breast surgery need to be performed under general anesthesia.

The Surgery

  • Liposuction: Small-area liposuction can be performed in an hour, but more time is needed when 3-5 areas undergo liposuction. The techniques used vary depending on the patient. If the tumescent technique (or super-wet technique) is used, Dr. Panchal will make a small incision and inject a small amount of fluid into the area. This will reduce the amount of bruising after surgery. Next, Dr. Panchal will use a small cannula measuring 3-4 mm, or the size of a pencil, connected to a medical suction to remove the excess fat. There are two types of cannulas—mechanical vibrating and ultrasonic. Dr. Panchal will choose between these cannulas depending on the extent of the liposuction. After all the excess fat is removed, Dr. Panchal will close the small incisions. You will have to wear a compression garment for several weeks following surgery.
  • Surgical Removal: In some cases, there may be excessive hard tissue underneath the nipple. A small incision is placed at the junction of the nipple and the surrounding breast skin. The hard tissue is removed through the incision and the incision is closed with dissolving stitches.

How Is Dr. Panchal Different from Other Surgeons?

Liposuction is performed using power-assisted liposuction. Dr. Panchal uses the latest technique and equipment to perform liposuction. This unique technique allows Dr. Panchal to use a hollow tube (liposuction cannula), which vibrates very rapidly to easily break up fat cells. This allows Dr. Panchal to quickly remove large amounts of fat through a small incision. He uses special cannulas to prevent rippling in the skin, which creates an unnatural look.

After male breast reduction surgery, many surgeons leave a chest that looks hollow and concave. Typically, the area around the nipple protrudes just a little and there is decreasing amount of thickness from this central location to areas over the periphery. Dr. Panchal strives very hard to give you a natural look.

What Are the Risks Associated with Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction surgery is very safe if performed by an experienced surgeon. Some patients may notice irregularity in their skin surface and some may have temporary swelling. The swelling generally disappears within 2-6 weeks. Very rarely, there may be a collection of blood at the incision site, which requires additional surgery to remove the clot. Infection is extremely rare after this surgery. There could be some asymmetry of the breasts after surgery, which can be resolved by a small revision surgery.

Returning to Normal Life

The healing process takes many weeks. It is important to be patient and wait 3-6 weeks for the swelling to subside before evaluating your results. There will be some firmness at the incision site that will gradually soften.

Generally, patients can go back to work within a few days. The stitches will dissolve in 10 days to 2 weeks. There will be some fluid drainage from the incision site for the first 1-2 days. Dr. Panchal will monitor you closely and will be available if you have any questions or concerns.

Your New Look

Once the swelling subsides, you will notice the difference in the shape of your chest. With each passing week you’ll continue to see changes, until 3-6 months after surgery.

Male breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia. You should not feel any discomfort during your procedure. Following male breast reduction surgery, some swelling, bruising, and soreness may be present for a few days. This is typically minimal and should naturally subside on its own.

Who Is a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction?

  • Nonsmokers
  • In good health
  • Prepared for a surgical procedure
  • Able to take time off to recover
  • Willing to follow all directions provided by our office

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your chest, you may be the ideal male breast reduction candidate. Use the contact form on this page or call one of our OKC-area offices to schedule a consultation and learn more.

Can I Combine Male Breast Reduction With Other Procedures?

Male breast reduction can be combined with other body contouring procedures. Commonly, the procedure is combined with liposuction on the love handles and the abdomen. It may also be combined with liposuction of additional areas along with procedures such as tummy tuck and arm lift. During your initial consultation, Dr. Panchal will carefully assess your areas of concern to help you determine if male breast reduction alone or in combination with another procedure will bring you closest to your goals.

What Is Recovery Like?

Recovery from male breast reduction surgery is relatively quick. You will need to wait for five to seven days before returning to work and will have to limit some of your activities for four to six weeks in total, but should be able to resume all normal activities – and adopt more progressive exercises – within a few months.

Some swelling, bruising, and discomfort may be present during the first few days of recovery. Be sure to rest, use your compression garment, and follow all of the directions provided by our office to help ensure the fastest and most comfortable recovery possible.

What Can I Expect From My Results and How Can I Maintain Them?

Results from gynecomastia surgery are instantaneous. You may not be able to fully see them until the swelling subsides, but most men see results very quickly.

To main your results, you will need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet and getting at least two hours of exercise every week. You can intensify your exercise routine if you would like to enhance your results.

Remember, excessive alcohol use, marijuana use, and the use of serval other drugs can increase the chance of developing gynecomastia. Be prepared to live relatively “clean” if you want your results to last. We can provide additional information, along with specific suggestions based on your needs, during your time in our care.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be caused by a number of things. It is when a male has an imbalance of hormones. More specifically, there is an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone that causes breast tissue to grow. All men can produce estrogen, but they generally have more testosterone, which halts estrogen production.

What Are The Risks of Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Since male breast reduction surgery is an invasive procedure, there are risks you need to be aware of.

These risks include the following:

  • Complications with the anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Increased chance of infection
  • Accumulation of fluid
  • Fat necrosis
  • Irregularities with the breast shape
  • Needing revision surgery
  • Scarring
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Cardiac complications
  • The wounds are not healing properly
  • Changes in nipple sensation

These may seem like a lot of risks, but they are mitigated under the care of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. If these risks seem too much to handle, the doctor can give you safer alternatives.

What Are The Contraindications of Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Individuals with unrealistic expectations of what the surgery can do are not ideal candidates. The same applies to people unwilling to follow the doctor’s orders regarding recovery. In addition, if you have a medical condition, such as a compromised immune system, obesity, or heart disease, Smokers are also not ideal candidates as it can greatly increase the risk of experiencing complications.

Can Gynecomastia Return After Surgery?

Gynecomastia cannot return naturally as the fat cells and glandular tissue do not grow back. This makes male breast reduction surgery a permanent cosmetic procedure. However, it should be noted that gynecomastia may reoccur if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle. This can include eating an unhealthy diet, sitting for long periods of time, and not getting enough exercise.

Contact us Today!

You will need time to adjust to the new changes of your body. Be patient and keep in mind why you had surgery. You will then be pleased with your new results like most men are. Learn more about breast reduction by calling Genesis Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa at 405-340-9949 for a consultation with Dr. Panchal.

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