Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Gynecomastia: Can Exercise Help Reduce Male Breast Tissue?

Gynecomastia is a condition that leads to the overproduction of male breast tissue. While the exact cause is unknown, it appears to be rooted in changes in hormones, resulting in an imbalance that causes excess tissue to develop. Examples include puberty, age, some health conditions, and even certain medications. Because gynecomastia […]

Tablet with "Gynecomastia" on screen, stethoscope, pills and objects on wooden desktop.

Four Possible Causes of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition experienced by men in which excess fat or glandular tissue creates the appearance of breasts. Often frustratingly difficult to treat, gynecomastia does not always respond to dietary changes or enhanced exercise, making surgical intervention necessary in many cases. Gynecomastia is common in adolescent boys. In these cases, the

How Can I Maintain My Male Breast Reduction Results?

During male breast reduction surgery, stubborn fat deposits and unnecessary glandular tissue is removed to help restore a firm and masculine look to the chest. Once completed, your results have the potential to last for a lifetime, but there are some steps you may need to take to maintain your

Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery Safe?

Male breast reduction is typically performed with liposuction. In some cases, glandular tissue must also be removed to fully restore definition to the chest. Both of these methods are considered safe and suitable for most healthy males. As with any surgical procedure, male breast reduction comes with general surgical risks

Am I Too Young for Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction is one of the most effective treatments for gynecomastia – an emasculating condition in which excess fat or glandular tissue creates the appearance of breasts in men. The condition is common during puberty as hormonal fluctuations prompt physical changes throughout the body. In these cases, gynecomastia may

Mythbuster Monday: Plastic Surgery is Not for Men

False – Plastic Surgery for Men is on the Rise The numbers don’t lie: plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures for men have been increasing exponentially over the past decade. Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures are stereotypically popular for women, but the desire to look young and fit has no gender

6 Scary Plastic Surgery Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

We’ve all seen those “Worst Celebrity Plastic Surgery” slideshows in less-than-reputable tabloids and on listicle-heavy websites – but the truth is, many botched plastic surgery jobs happen because the patient didn’t know any better. Of course, choosing a credible, experienced surgeon like our own Dr. Panchal will take you a

After Swimsuit Season, Part 3: Move Every Day

We’ve talked planning and diet for a successful weight management plan – up next, exercise! You knew it was coming, but you might be surprised at how simple it is to incorporate a bit of movement into your everyday life. And that’s really all it takes. Move every day. Exercise

After Swimsuit Season, part 2: Eating with Intention

Last week, we talked about creating a plan for success for post-summer weight management or weight loss. Having a plan is the necessary foundation, and diet comes next. In fact, healthy eating will get you further than intense exercises in the long run, according to some recent studies. Eat like

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