What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

Following your breast augmentation procedure, board-certified OKC plastic surgeon Dr. Jayesh Panchal will carefully cover your incisions with gauze before placing your breasts into a specially designed support bra and taking you to the recovery area where we will monitor your vitals until you are fully awake and prepared to go home.

Breast augmentation is typically performed as outpatient surgery, meaning you will go home that same day.

Discomfort, Swelling, and Bruising

As with any surgery, expect some pain and tenderness after breast augmentation. Pain can be addressed with OTC medications or prescription medications prescribed by Dr. Panchal. Most discomfort should subside within three to four days.

Swelling and bruising are common for several weeks after surgery. Wearing a support bra during the recovery period, even while sleeping, can help reduce swelling and provide support for the breasts during the healing process. So too can taking several walks during the day to improve circulation.

You can assist in the healing process by:

  • Not using any tobacco products
  • Reducing or avoiding alcohol consumption
  • Avoiding blood-thinning medications
  • Avoiding strenuous activities

You can also help reduce risks, improve healing response, and limit discomfort by keeping the incisions covered and bandages both clean and dry during the first week of recovery. If the bandages get wet, replace them with dry, sterile gauze – and remember, you may shower 72 hours after surgery, but you must keep the bandages dry until incision coverage is no longer needed.

Resuming Activities, Seeing Results

You will need to avoid certain activities, including driving, for 48 hours after surgery, but most women are able to resume work and normal activities within seven days. More advanced or demanding activities may need to be avoided for six to eight weeks.

During your recovery, you will visit Dr. Panchal several times. He will carefully assess your progress and give you the go-ahead to resume activities as appropriate.

Results of breast enlargement surgery are immediate, but keep in mind that predictable temporary swelling will cause the size and shape of the breasts to appear somewhat different than they will after the healing process is complete. 

To see before and after results from some of Dr. Panchal’s breast augmentation patients, click here.

Will I have scars?

Scarring is a natural and unpreventable result of surgery. Breast augmentation procedures are designed to minimize and obscure scarring so that it is not easily seen. Scars usually fade to a thin line after several months. Proper incision care and avoiding nicotine will help ensure optimal results.

If you are considering breast augmentation in the Oklahoma City area, please call Genesis Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa at 405-340-9949 or 405-310-6767 to schedule your consultation today.

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