Clear Brilliant Laser

What Does Clear + Brilliant Treat?

Clear + Brilliant is a safe and effective, non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment that can significantly impact your skin’s appearance. Utilizing fractional laser technology, Clear + Brilliant can:

  • Improve Skin Tone and Texture
  • Shrink Overly Large Pores
  • Soften Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Reduce Acne Scars

Clear + Brilliant is ideal as a preventative treatment, making it an excellent choice for younger patients who are just beginning to experience aging skin. It is also a safe and gentle option for older patients in addressing issues like textural irregularities, skin discoloration, and even pre-cancerous spots.

For patients who have undergone a surgical procedure, such as a facelift, Clear + Brilliant can be used to help lengthen results. Combining non-surgical options, such as Clear + Brilliant, with surgical treatments can also help to address issues that cannot be fixed with surgery. During your initial consultation at our Norman or Edmond office, Dr. Jayesh Panchal will evaluate your areas of concern to help you determine if fractional laser treatment is best as a stand-alone option or will be better as a maintenance treatment following a more involved surgical procedure.

How Often Will I Need to get Treatment?

Initial results from Clear + Brilliant may require four to six treatments. While this varies from patient to patient, studies have consistently found that this range is typical for optimal results. Once results have been obtained, they can last for several months, but regularly scheduled touch-up treatments will help to ensure continuously clear and smooth skin.

The care you take of your skin between Clear + Brilliant treatments will also affect how long your results last. Using professional skincare products can help. At Genesis Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, we are pleased to carry products from DefenAge®, which address some of the same issues as Clear + Brilliant treatment and can help enhance and extend results.

Our Commitment to You

Dr. Panchal and the staff at our OKC-area offices are fully committed to the health and happiness of each patient we see. If you are unhappy with how your skin is aging or have decided to be proactive in addressing aging skin concerns, we encourage you to call our Edmond office at 405-340-9949 or our Norman office at 405-310-6767 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help.

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Mon 8am-4pm
Tues, Wed & Thurs 8am-5pm
Fri 8am-3pm
Closed Sat & Sun



Mon 8am-4pm
Closed Tues-Sun

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