How Long is Recovery Following Tummy Tuck

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as tummy tuck surgery, is used to reduce bulky and sagging skin from the midsection. During tummy tuck surgery, stubborn fat that is obscuring optimal contours can also be eliminated and, when necessary, abdominal muscles can be reattached to slim the waist while also addressing issues that may come with diastasis recti.Recovery from abdominoplasty depends on various factors including the extent of surgery and your body’s natural healing response. However, some swelling and discomfort can be expected in the first days following tummy tuck surgery, making it important that you take time to rest after your procedure.

While some people feel comfortable enough to work at a computer after five to seven days, it may take up to two weeks before you are cleared to return to work in a non-strenuous capacity. If your job demands heavy physical labor, you will need to wait longer – up to six weeks – to start back up again. Aerobic exercises and more demanding forms of physical exertion will also need to be avoided during this time.

For many patients, life resumes normalcy around week three. During your follow-up visits, your progress will be evaluated to help you determine when it is safe to resume certain activities. It is important that you follow all of the directions provided by our office to help reduce the risk of prolonging your recovery period.

Why Choose Us for Your Tummy Tuck?

In his years of experience performing abdominoplasty, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jayesh Panchal has integrated advanced techniques and procedural steps to help improve outcomes and reduce discomfort during recovery. Chief among these is EXPAREL®.

Administered before tummy tuck surgery, EXPAREL®, a non-opioid pain management medication, can reduce pain for up to four days after your procedure, helping to improve comfort and allow for a more pleasing recovery experience. Because it is not an opioid, EXPAREL® does not come with the risks of heavy pain medications and may even eliminate your need for narcotics following abdominoplasty.

Experienced, thoughtful, and attentive, Dr. Panchal takes time to plan and perform abdominoplasty for the most pleasing outcomes. If you are considering a procedure, please call 405-340-9949 or 405-310-6767 to schedule a consultation and learn more today.

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