A Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding BOTOX® Treatments

BOTOX® TreatmentsA Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding BOTOX® Treatments

BOTOX® treatments are an effective solution to all manner of wrinkles and lines that appear on your face. These injections allow for the muscles in your face to relax so that they are no longer constantly taught. It is this tension of your facial muscles that would lead to lines and wrinkles. Once they are relaxed your facial lines and wrinkles will begin to fade with initial results being present within three to seven days of the procedure. Continue reading to find out more about this treatment and if it’s right for you.


As with any other cosmetic procedure, you will first undergo a consultation with Dr. Panchal and our team members to discuss what your overall goals are. This could take the form of discussing your facial lines and what you want to improve. Or it can be a discussion about how BOTOX® could help with your chronic migraines depending on the injection sight of your face. No matter the case, transparency during this time is crucial for both you and us. The doctor will never recommend a procedure like BOTOX® or anything else for that matter if results cannot be achieved. We will only ever recommend the procedures that we feel can achieve the results you have in mind. Once everything has been decided upon we will schedule your BOTOX® appointment and be on our way.


The overall procedure is fairly simple, the doctor will mark out the pre-decided injection sites where the BOTOX® will be administered. From there the injections will be done. This is not a painful procedure, typically only a slight pinch is felt from the needle going into the skin. However, a topical anesthetic can be used to reduce this discomfort to nothing as well.

What to Expect After

Afterwards you should expect some mild discomfort in the affected areas with the potential for some swelling. This tends to go away within the first 24 hours after the procedure. From there your results will show themselves between three and seven days afterwards. And they typically will last for three to four months from then on before a re-application may be needed if you so desire.

If you’d like to schedule a BOTOX® consultation with us at Genesis Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa in Edmond, OK, simply give us a call at 405-340-9949.

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